Thursday, October 8, 2009

Where did the time go?

It has now been 8 days without sweets. I'm doing ok. I haven't really had a moment of weakness. I think it's because I have surrounded myself with fruit so as soon as my sweet tooth hits I pig out on grapes or sliced apples... it seems funny that I can 'pig out' on fruit, but I have been doing it often.
Don't get me wrong, it was ridiculously hard not to even look at the Halloween candy display at Shoppers Drug Mart the other night and this weekend - Thanksgiving weekend - will be the hardest 2 dinners I will have to get through. Turning down pumpkin pie is going to hurt.
When the clock strikes midnight on Halloween I plan on only indulging in quality sweets... a well-made pumpkin pie, a pastry of some sort or maybe a cupcake, and definitely skittles ^_^




How I love Fall.

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