Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I've been in spring cleaning mode for a good month now. I'm trying to organize everything which has become quite the task, especially when my craft supplies seem to multiply constantly. I also have a strong urge to redecorate.

Looking online has provided me with lots of ideas.

I love the idea of having canisters right along the counter so everything is within reach and in sight.

I adore the look of mismatched chairs. I may be doing that with a table I bought recently on kijiji.

There's no baby on the way.... I swear! But look at the colours and how cute this room is!!

I am in love with avocado and yellow!

I think I may be trying to copy this exactly once we move... small kitchen table, bright table cloth, make-shift hutch for storage. I love it!

All pictures c/o Deco Fabulous

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